How Do I Find My Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)?
Your adjusted gross income is one of the most important figures on your tax return. It helps determine how much you’ll owe in taxes, and your eligibility for certain tax credits and deductions. If you e-file, you may also be asked to provide last year’s AGI to verify your identity. Your adjusted gross income appears on line 11 of your Form 1040.
What is adjusted gross income (AGI)?
Adjusted gross income is your total income minus certain deductions like student loan interest, retirement contributions or alimony payments. Gross income includes your wages, dividends, capital gains, and any other income.
How do I find my adjusted gross income?
You can find your adjusted gross income on line 11 of your 2024 Form 1040 or 1040-SR.
If you plan to e-file, you may need to find your prior-year AGI. To do so, you’ll need a copy of last year’s tax return. Your AGI is on line 11 of your 2023 Form 1040 or 1040-SR. If you don’t have access to your return, you can request a tax transcript online from the IRS website.
Is AGI the same as taxable income?
No, it’s not the same thing. Your taxable income is what’s left after subtracting your standard or itemized deductions from your adjusted gross income.
How do I find my adjusted gross income on my W-2?
You won’t be able to find your adjusted gross income on your W-2 or year-end paystub. There are a couple reasons why. For starters, your W-2 doesn’t include all the other income that goes into calculating your adjusted gross income. For example, it doesn’t include the money from your side gig, interest, unemployment, etc. And it also doesn’t include your deductible expenses.
How do I calculate my adjusted gross income?
If you use tax software to prepare your return, it will automatically calculate your adjusted gross income and put it on the appropriate line. However, if you want to do it by hand, here’s what you need to do.
- Calculate your total annual income. This includes your wages and other income such as:
- Self-employment income
- Unemployment compensation
- Capital gains
- Interest
- Dividends
- Rental income
- Social security payments
- Jury duty fees
- Prizes, awards, lottery, and gambling winnings
- Taxable alimony payments
- Pensions
- Subtract your “above the line” deductions. These are deductions that you can take even if you don’t itemize. Common adjustments include:
- Traditional IRA contributions
- Student loan interest payments
- Health Savings Account (HSA) contributions
- Archer Medical Savings Account (MSA) contributions
- Early withdrawal penalties
- Educator expenses
- Military moving expenses
The result is your adjusted gross income. In other words, Gross Income – Deductions = AGI.